Career support and human resource development

Our Fundamental Way

We support our employees in maximizing their individuality as the driving force behind our business growth.
As part of this support, we are working to expand opportunities for individually-led learning based on the needs of employees, moving away from company-led learning, and creating an environment in which employees can learn.
We also develop human resources who are "ambitious, think for themselves, and take the initiative in seeing things through," as outlined in the "Tokyu Values," our employee code of conduct.

Tokyu Value

In FY 2005, we formulated the Tokyu Values as a set of values that each and every employee should share and actions that are required. This is a clear statement of the culture and strengths that our employees have cultivated to date, as well as the abilities that will be need to be further strengthened in the future.

Employees are expected to always be aware of the three aspirations of customer value, challenge, and co-creation set forth in the Tokyu Values and to steadily practice the five actions to achieve them in their daily work: "think," "move agilely," "engage in dialogue," "see tasks through," and "learn."

By putting these Tokyu Values into practice, we aim to help each employee become a person who has high aspirations, thinks for themselves, and shows initiative in getting the job done, and to foster a corporate culture that encourages innovation.


Support for autonomous career development

We support each employee in understanding their own strengths and the values they hold dear, drawing out what they want to be (goals and visions) based on their own small motivations and aspirations, and learning, taking action, and growing to achieve that goal - in other words, the process of "giving shape to ideas."

The process of "giving shape to ideas"


  • *​ ​This career development support measure falls under the Self-Career Check-Up system recommended for introduction by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

Personnel Treatment System

In 2022, as a personnel policy in response to changes in the internal and external environment, we revised our personnel system to broaden the scope in which employees can play an active role, to have a stronger sense of individual growth and the growth of the company, and to reflect this in compensation. The concepts are "maximizing the individual" and "establishing an autonomous organization," and we have changed the system to one that can support the capabilities and growth of each employee. We have also introduced an autonomous organization mechanism that can flexibly organize the optimal structure and carry out work regardless of position. These system changes, "maximizing the individual" x "establishing an autonomous organization," will support the creation of continuous innovation and lead to maximization of corporate value.

Communication with employees

Improving employee engagement

We have been conducting employee awareness surveys since 2001 to improve employee satisfaction, but in order to realize our Long-term Management Initiative of "globally admired urban and community development," we believe that mutual understanding and commitment with employees is even more important, so in July 2019, we introduced an employee engagement survey as a mechanism to evaluate the effectiveness of HR policies with objective indicators and increase employee job satisfaction. We have set the survey results as KPIs for realizing Long-term Management Initiative, with the aim of improving employee engagement ratings.

Talk with Activities

We are promoting "Talk with" activities to prevent weakening of communication between superiors and subordinates and in the workplace by promoting flexible working styles. From FY2021, we will implement one-on-one meetings company-wide, and by securing time for superiors and subordinates to talk about goals and problems inside and outside of work, we are playing a role in bridging the psychological distance with superiors and organizations due to different work locations and working hours.

Career support interview (interviews for all employees)

Since fiscal 2016, we have been conducting career support interviews for all employees (excluding specialists and operational staff) by a dedicated team within the Human Resources Department to understand each employee's career aspirations and use them in various measures, as well as to encourage each employee to become aware of their own careers.

Human Resource Development

Overview of the Program

In addition to establishing a human resources development system based on Tokyu Values and job requirements, we are developing a variety of programs within the four major frameworks of our human resources development program: training by job responsibilities, group management and leader development, support for independent career development, and support for self-development and individual support.

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Goals and Results

In order to expand learning opportunities based on employee needs, we have set targets for training and teaching practice expenses per person.

<Training hours and number of participants (FY2023)>

Training Type Training hours Total number of participants
Job-specific training 8,719 hours 1,048 people
Group management and leader development 2,311 hours 26 people
Support for independent career development, etc. 14,896 hours 4,888 people * Including company-wide e-learning training

Other training

We provide training on human rights, diversity management, and harassment prevention in our training for new employees and for newly appointed employees.

Human rights education and training

We provide education and training on human rights for new employees and newly appointed managers in an effort to further deepen their awareness.

<Number of participants>

year Number of participants
2021年度 39 people
2022年度 31 people
2023年度 70 people

Diversity management education and training

Since fiscal 2014, we have been implementing training programs for newly appointed managers and supervisors. In order to further promote diversity management, the training programs include domestic and international diversity trends and concrete examples of creating a workplace culture, while deepening awareness of organizational management that makes use of diversity.
In addition, starting in FY2021, we will be providing training to new employees to give them basic knowledge about diversity management.

<Number of participants>
(Total number of training sessions by job role, new employee training, etc.)

year Number of participants
2021年度 74 people
2022年度 31 people
2023年度 70 people

Education and training on anti-discrimination and anti-harassment

We provide training to prevent discrimination on the basis of gender, nationality, age, religion, etc. in our introductory training for new employees and training for newly appointed employees.
In addition, from FY2022 onwards, we will be using e-learning to implement cases of workplace harassment prevention across the company.

<Number of participants>
(Total number of people taking introductory training for new employees, training by job role, and e-learning)

year Number of participants
2021年度 221 people
2022年度 1,506 people
2023年度 1,761 people
Measures to prevent harassment

The company policy of "no tolerance for harassment" is communicated to employees through in-house newsletters and electronic bulletin boards, and prohibitions are stipulated in the work regulations. In addition to the internal consultation desk set up in the Human Resources Department in 1999, an external consultation desk has been available since 2005, and employees are made aware of this through announcements on the company intranet and in employee handbooks, and are provided with assistance from employees. Furthermore, we raise awareness of harassment prevention through training for new recruits, managers and operational staff, as well as through e-learning for all employees.