
Tokyu Group Compliance Guidelines

As members of the Tokyu Group, we hereby establish our principles of action as follows, to embody and practice the Group ideals.

1. To establish the Tokyu brand with customer trust and support

  1. (1)We will provide quality products and services with a commitment to customer comfort and confidence.
  2. (2)We will give priority to communication with customers and provide information in good faith, and we will utilize the opinions of our customers to improve our operations.

2. To win fair valuations from investors

  1. (3)Aiming at increasing corporate value on a sustained, long-term basis, we will operate our businesses in good faith.
  2. (4) Taking investor confidence as a base, we will provide timely and appropriate information in good faith.

3. To engage in sound and fair market competition and aim at business growth

  1. (5)We will conduct fair and transparent transactions and not follow unreasonable business practices.
  2. (6)We will fully respect the property and rights of others, and conduct optimal procurement of management resources based on fairness and goodness.

4. To contribute to the progress of society based on recognition of business as a social existence

  1. (7)We will actively address global environmental problems and seek to operate in a way that harmonizes with nature and the environment.
  2. (8)As a good corporate citizen, we will seek to cooperate and coordinate with the community and continuously undertake social contribution activities.

5. To fulfill our responsibility as bearers of the Tokyu brand

  1. (9)We will observe laws and regulations and internal discipline in every situation, act properly by following the dictates of social common sense and operate responsibly and in good faith.
  2. (10)We have the strong recognition that intellectual property and information are important Company assets and will take every possible precaution in handling them.
  3. (11)Based on the concept that the basis of corporate development is "people," we will respect each other's individuality and aim to create a working environment where people can make the most of their abilities.
  4. (12)We will promote innovation by conducting regular and continuous self-auditing of operations and we will improve our business performance.