System to promote safety at the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries

The fundamental every business in the Tokyu Corporation Group including the Transportation Business is safety, and the peace of mind that safety provides. The Company and its consolidated subsidiaries have established a Basic Safety Policy to ensure that products and services are provided based on the peace of mind and trust of customers, as set forth in the Tokyu Group Compliance Guidelines.

Basic Safety Policy

1.Basic Safety Policy

To provide products and services that bear quality based on the peace of mind and trust of customers in keeping with Group management policy, the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries will establish, maintain and improve upon a corporate culture that prioritizes safety in every aspect by complying with relevant laws and regulations, promoting safety-related initiatives and making ongoing improvements, as detailed below.

2.Initiatives to Ensure Safety

  1. (1)Legal compliance and ensuring safety
    We company with relevant laws and regulations, and ensure safety from the customer's perspective.
  2. (2)Continuous improvements driven by risk analysis
    We conduct risk cause and background analyses in each stage of the value chain including the planning, providing, maintenance and upkeep of products and services, endeavor to mitigate those risks, and provide safe products and services as a result.
  3. (3)Ensuring safety, halting the spread of damage and preventing recurrences when an accident occurs
    When an accident occurs, we respond by giving top priority to the lives of customers and ensuring their safety, swiftly investigate the cause of any accidents and provide information as appropriate, taking measures to prevent or halt the spread of damage and prevent recurrences.
  4. (4)Preparing for unforeseen circumstances and responding when they occur
    We take measures in advance of natural disasters and other unforeseen circumstances, and when such an event does occur, we give top priority to ensuring the safety of customers and strive to minimize damages.
  5. (5)Education and monitoring
    Employees are educated about relevant laws, regulations and internal regulations, and monitoring is conducted through regular internal audits.

Please check the following resources for information about safety policies and key safety measures at Tokyu Railways

Statement on Alcohol Sales and the Sales of Processed Foods and Beverages

Statement on Alcohol Sales

To ensure compliance with liquor-related laws and regulations and prevent adverse effects due to alcohol consumption when selling and providing alcoholic beverages to customers, the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries educate employees by way of manuals and the provision of training, and implement the following initiatives.

Statement on Alcohol Sales
  1. The following information is disseminated in advertising, sales promotion and displays at stores, among other means.
    (1)Alcoholic beverages will not be sold to persons under 20 years of age.
    (2)Driving under the influence of alcohol is prohibited by law.
  2. We confirm the following when selling or receiving an order for alcoholic beverages.
    (1)Confirming the age of the customer when necessary to prevent the sale to minors
    (2)Confirming that alcohol cannot be sold to drivers when there is a possibility of driving under the influence of alcohol
  3. We provide options to curb the consumption of alcohol, in light of the fact that the excess consumption of alcohol can adversely affect health.
    (1)Stocking non-alcoholic beverages
    (2)Making it possible to distinguish between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in product displays and lists, etc.

Statement on the Sale of Processed Foods and Beverages

When selling or providing processed foods and beverages to customers, the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries implement the following initiatives regarding food safety and the labeling of processed foods and beverages.

Statement on the Sale of Processed Foods and Beverages
  1. Food safety
    (1)Efforts are made to ensure the safety and security of all foods provided and sold by the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries.
    (2)We comply with food-related laws and regulations, and observe internal regulations, standards, and manuals.
    (3)In accordance with laws and regulations, we pursue hygiene management that incorporates HACCP principles and conduct self-inspections, audits, inspections, and training.
    (4)We engage in smooth communication with stakeholders and share issues and initiatives regarding food safety.
    (5)In-house training and awareness-raising activities are conducted for all employees involved with food and beverages to ensure they understand and can practice food safety.
  2. Labeling of processed foods and beverages in retail businesses (food sales)
    (1)We comply with food and beverage labelling-related laws and regulations, and observe internal regulations, standards, and manuals.
    (2)In accordance with laws, regulations, and internal rules, we display nutritional, additive and allergy information for the processed foods we manufacture and sell.

Safety Management at the Company and its Consolidated Subsidiaries

Safety Management and Enforcement Systems at the Company and Its Consolidated Subsidiaries

To ensure safety initiatives in an integrated and effective way, the Company coordinates with each internal department and its consolidated subsidiaries to engage in proactive safety management.
The Company (non-consolidated) strives to raise safety awareness and improve the skills of all employees by sharing examples of safety initiatives and engaging in discussions, and to ensure high levels of safety as the foundation of the businesses pursued by the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries, the Sustainability Promotion Committee which is chaired by the President and Executive Officer shares important information regarding safety and is responsible for safety promotion functions such as instructing appropriate responses to take as a company.

In addition, by communicating safety policies with consolidated subsidiaries and sharing information such as examples of major accidents and measures to prevent recurrences, the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries maintain shared perspectives and approaches, aiming to promote safety in unified ways. To this end, at the Tokyu Group Sustainability Promotion Committee, which meets biannually in principle and is attended by sustainability promotion officers from consolidated subsidiaries and other members, safety promotion is taken up as a regular topic.


Systems to promote safety