Environmental Management Promotion System

The Company has established the Tokyu Group Sustainability Promotion Committee (held biannually in principle) under the Sustainability Promotion Committee (chaired by the President), which sets targets for each company and division in line with the Tokyu Group Philosophy and manages progress from a medium- to long-term perspective. Key issues are reported to the Board of Directors, and environmental initiatives are systematically promoted including the input of consolidated subsidiaries.

Environmental Management Promotion Structure of the Company and Its Consolidated Subsidiaries

We and our consolidated subsidiaries have established our own environmental policies and are planning and implementing initiatives to promote environmental management for the entire Tokyu Group based on the Group's philosophy.

Implementation of environmental audits

To confirm the reliable operation of the environmental management system, our internal audit division periodically conducts internal audits in addition to the internal monitoring conducted by the environment division in keeping with enactment and revision of laws and regulations. In addition, we conduct a self-check of environmental laws and regulations (for consolidated subsidiaries) once a year.


Environmental management of Tokyu Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries

Environmental management of Tokyu Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries

We and our consolidated subsidiaries are actively working to establish an environmental management system, and six companies (six sites) have obtained ISO 14001 certification. Some of our consolidated subsidiaries have obtained certifications such as Eco Action 21 and Green Management Certification, which are being promoted by the Ministry of the Environment as environmental management systems that are easier to implement.
We also have a system in place to facilitate internal audits and other activities to maintain certification both by Tokyu Corporation and by environmental staff at consolidated companies that have experience in obtaining certification.
Additionally, we conduct surveys on the environmental impact of our consolidated companies to gain a quantitative understanding of the impact of our business activities on the planet and hold information exchange meetings to allow the group companies to share useful information for promoting environmental management and increasing environmental activities. Finally, we host seminars led by experts in related fields.

Acquisition of External Certification by Consolidated Subsidiaries (as of June 2024)

ISO 14001 (Japan Accreditation Board for Conformity Assessment)

Acquisition Date Company/Office
09.26.2001 Tokyu Property Management Co., Ltd., Head Office
02.22.2002 Tokyu Agency Inc., Head Office
02.01.2003 Tokyu Architects & Engineers INC., Head Office and West Japan Branch
02.27.2004 Tokyu Department Store Co., Ltd., Out-of-store Sales, Corporate Sales, and Solution Service Sales Dept.

Eco Action 21 (Ministry of the Environment)

Acquisition Date Company
03.08.2006 Tokyu Techno System Co., Ltd.

Green Management Certification System(Foundation for Promoting Personal Mobility and Ecological Transportation)

Acquisition Date Company/Office
03.31.2005 Tokyu Bus Corporation, 3 Sales Offices
Tokyu Transses Corporation, 4 Sales Offices
03.31.2011 Tokyu Bus Corporation, Head office
20.10.2011 Engaru Express Corporation, Headquarters sales office

Environmental Education

Environmental Education

The entire company is working together on environmental education to promote the sustainable development of human resources.

Environmental Education Performance

In addition to proactively providing employees with environmental education to allow them to accumulate the knowledge and experience necessary to promote environmental initiatives, we also hold sustainability seminars (ESG) for our management to provide them with the latest knowledge on the environment.

Month Contents Participants
November, 2021
Sustainability Seminar (ESG)
“Practical SDG-based Management; New Urban and Community Development in the With Corona Era”
Mr. Hidemitsu Sasaya, Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Chiba University of Commerce and Business

Management executives
(For officers and managers)

February, 2022
Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Seminar
“Community Design in Harmony with Food, Agriculture, and Nature”
Professor Junko Owada, Social Innovation Course, Graduate School of Policy and Management, Doshisha University
All consolidated employees (if desired)
November, 2022
Sustainability Seminar (ESG)
“How to Address the Materiality of Management Issues to Deepen Corporate Decarbonization Management”
Ms. Kaori Suzuki, Representative Director & CEO, Codo Advisory, Inc.
Management executives
(For officers and managers)
February, 2023
Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Seminar
“Supply Chain Management: The Need of the Hour”
Ms. Makiko Akabane, CSR Asia Japan Representative
All consolidated employees (if desired)

Encouragement of the Certification Test for Environmental Specialists (Eco Test)

We encourage our employees to take the Certification Test for Environmental Specialists (Eco Test) sponsored by the Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry (TCCI). Since the fifth test held in 2008, we have been providing full subsidies for examination and textbook fees to those who pass. The purpose of the test is to raise awareness of environmental activities and environmental load reduction within the company. Thus far, over 100 people have passed the exam.

Environmental and social contribution educational activities for employees (enhancement of the Environmental and Social Contribution Award system)

As part of the Tokyu Group's efforts to raise awareness of its environmental and social contribution initiatives and those of individual employees, we have been awarding prizes for outstanding environmental and social contributions since July 2009.
For details, please refer to Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Award.

Award ceremony for the 3rd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards Award ceremony for the 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Poster announcing the 3rd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards
Poster announcing the 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards