Environmental Policy and Vision

Environmental Policy

Tokyu Corporation will promote environmental management for the whole Tokyu Group based on the Group Philosophy and will contribute to society by addressing environmental issues through its business.

  1. Contribution to climate change mitigation

    Through the promotion of energy savings and the active use of renewable energies, we will pursue the optimal use of energy and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

  2. Contributing to recycling-based society

    We will pursue the reuse and recycling of resources by promoting their effective use at all stages of business.

  3. Contribution to a society in harmony with nature

    Considering the impact of our business on the natural environment, we will reduce pollutants and pursue the conservation of biodiversity.

  4. Compliance with environmental laws and regulations

    We will comply with environment-related laws and regulations, and with requirements deemed necessary to address changes in society.

  5. Promotion of environmental communication

    We will strive for good communication in order to meet our stakeholders’ expectations for the environment.

  6. Goal setting and continuous improvement

    We will set environmental goals and make continuous improvements through regular reviews

Revised on June 29, 2023
Established on December 1, 2003

President & Representative Director 堀江正博

Environmental Vision 2030

We and our consolidated subsidiaries have adopted the concept of a sustainable towns in harmony with the environment, "Connecting everyday life to a sustainable tomorrow," and aimed to realize urban and community development that people can lead daily lives in which they can choose environmentally-friendly activities without a particular sense of burden, and where everyone can contribute to a sustainable society and the revitalization of the local environment.


Initiative Targets (Decarbonization, Recycling-based Society)

Recognition of and response to issues by environmental theme based on our vision

Climate Change

Recognition of issues and response policy

We recognize that greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide are the cause of global warming and climate change, and view the resulting "intensification of floods and landslides" as a major business risk. We also believe that "impacts on procurement of raw materials such as agricultural, forestry and fishery resources" and "increases in heatstroke and infectious diseases" will also affect the business of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries. In this context, we expressed our support for the TCFD (a task force established by the Financial Stability Board with the aim of understanding and disclosing the financial impact of risks and opportunities brought about by climate change) in September 2020 and are promoting information disclosure based on its recommendations. We recognize that climate change is an important issue that affects business activities of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries, and are working to reduce the impact of climate change by promoting the use of renewable energy and energy conservation in each property. We view the efficient use of energy to curb global warming and reduce risks as an opportunity to reduce business costs and improve the resilience of the city against disasters, thereby solving social issues through business and increasing the value of the area, and by working on this, we will contribute to the realization of a decarbonized society.

Pollution prevention and resource circulation

Recognition of issues and response policy

the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries that some of the resources we use in our business are finite, and that the emission and disposal of pollutants during the extraction, manufacturing and use of these resources poses risks to Biodiversity and human health. We therefore comply with relevant laws and regulations, promote the 3Rs of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, and work to improve the sustainability of our business and realize recycling-based society.

Water Resources Conservation

Recognition of issues and response policy

Water Resources are one of the precious resources essential for the existence of living things. We recognize that water shortages are becoming more serious around the world and that there are risks to securing a stable and safe water supply in some regions within Japan. We will work to conserve Water Resources by reducing the total amount of water used in accordance with the specific circumstances of each business area, using reclaimed water appropriate to its usage method, and conducting appropriate wastewater treatment.

Biodiversity Conservation

Recognition of issues and response policy

As business activities of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries depend on the rich natural environment where various living organisms interact, we recognize that biodiversity conservation is an important environmental issue not only in our own business but also in the entire supply chain. As real estate development is particularly closely related to the natural environment and ecosystems, we will carry out environmental impact assessments and obtain environmental certification in compliance with laws and regulations, and will consider creating green spaces and waterfront spaces and reducing the impact on ecosystems in each area where our business is involved, and will work to create urban and community development and operate businesses that are safe and comfortable to live in, thereby striving to preserve and restore the natural environment. We will utilize the knowledge we have gained through our business along areas served by Tokyu’s railway lines to work on town urban and community development takes into consideration the conservation of biodiversity and the reduction of impacts even in developments outside of our line areas, such as in regional cities and overseas.

supply chain

Recognition of issues and response policy

As the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries are engaged in various businesses that are closely related to people's lives, we recognize the need to work together with our customers, business partners, and other stakeholders to reduce the environmental impact and protect the environment. In this regard, we have formulated and published a "Sustainable Supply Chain Policy" in which we ask for the cooperation of our business partners. We value our relationships with the communities and business partners in each business area, and will work to realize a decarbonized, recycling-based society throughout the entire supply chain.

Environmental Management

Recognition of issues and response policy

We recognize that setting targets for environmental conservation and improvement, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, waste, and water usage, is an effective approach, so we set specific medium- to long-term numerical targets (KPIs) at the Board of Directors, review progress at Sustainability Promotion Committee chaired by the President and Executive Officer, and strive for continuous improvement through effective management, such as reviewing and revising plans, in order to meet the demands of society and create growth opportunities for our business, and to achieve them. Please refer to the link below for more information on our environmental promotion and management system.