Our Fundamental Way

Our Fundamental Way

Under the slogan of transformation formulated in our Three-year Medium-term Management Plan starting in FY2021, we will support our employees in maximizing their individuality as the driving force behind our company's transformation. In order for all employees to feel value and pride in working for the Company, and to have opportunities for growth and to lead a life that is uniquely their own, we will implement initiatives to enhance the value of the employee experience and promote a change in mindset that returns employee growth to the company.

Main targets

※Education system utilization rate:Percentage of head office employees who used the company's training programs (total number) for their own skills development
(Excluding training programs in which employees were nominated by the company to participate)

General Business Owner Action Plan based on the Act on the Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children

General Business Owner Action Plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Women's Active Engagement in Professional Life

Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan for the Promotion of Women to Executive and Management Positions

Specific Initiatives