Safety Initiatives for Urban Development Projects

As part of our efforts to promote our various businesses, we are taking steps to promote safety in our urban development business.

Safety inspection

We aim to prevent accidents by inspecting operating properties once a year with multiple observers, including our property and technical staff and the building management company, and making timely repairs to any issues identified.

Safety inspection

The inspections are conducted twice a year, focusing primarily on third-party accidents at properties under construction.
During site inspections, we place importance on communication with cooperating companies, and by reflecting any findings made on-site in appropriate measures, we aim to improve safety awareness among both the operators and cooperating companies.

Sharing and utilization of incident information

We have a mailing list that allows us to quickly share information about accidents within the company and respond quickly as an organization. We also keep records of accidents that have occurred and review them regularly to prevent similar accidents from occurring.

Through these efforts, we aim to improve safety by appropriately reflecting in our policies not only what our own businesses are aware of, but also what we are aware of through mutual understanding with our partner companies.
Additionally, in real estate business, we appointed a safety promotion officer in 2015 and are working to improve safety throughout the entire real estate business.

Lecture during a safety patrol

Furthermore, since FY2018, we have been holding safety conferences as an opportunity to think about safety together with our partner companies in design, construction, building management, etc. By reviewing our own accident cases and learning about the efforts of our partner companies, we aim to raise each other's safety awareness.