Crisis management system
In the event of a major earthquake or other unforeseen circumstances, we have established a company-wide crisis management system based on the “Basic Rules for Crisis Management” to manage various crises related to business activities and minimize losses.
Efforts to respond to large-scale earthquakes
In light of our social responsibility as a company operating businesses that are closely related to the daily lives of many customers, such as real estate and Life Service Business, we have established a crisis management system to quickly grasp the extent of damage, quickly establish a recovery and support system, and other measures to enable business continuity and recovery while ensuring the safety of our customers in the event of an incident, accident, disaster, or other crisis.
We also conduct company-wide drills twice a year, in spring and autumn, in preparation for a major earthquake, with the participation of the president and other executives. We also conduct training on the communication of information between the head office and each business office and consolidated subsidiaries, as well as training on staying overnight in the company for three days, based on the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Measures for People Stranded at Home.
In addition, we conduct training to improve the skills of the in-house fire brigade made up of employees at the head office. Each department also conducts various types of training in cooperation with the local community, local government, police, and fire departments.
Through these training exercises, we are establishing a highly effective crisis management system.
BC system and points to be strengthened and responses at the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries
To date, we have been working to strengthen our business continuity (BC) system with the aim of ensuring safety in the event of a major earthquake while also ensuring the continuity and rapid recovery of business operations.
Furthermore, in order to strengthen the BC system at consolidated subsidiaries, we have established the Tokyu BC Committee, headed by President. Under the Tokyu BC Committee, each consolidated company will promote BC more than ever before and work to ensure that BC is implemented from the head office divisions that support the field to the individual sites that provide services to customers.
Furthermore, simulations and drills simulating a large-scale earthquake are being conducted at major station facilities and lines, including Shibuya, as well as at commercial facilities and hotels.
Initiatives to combat infectious diseases
In response to the outbreak of new strains of influenza in 2009, we formulated the “Business Continuity Plan BCP for H1N1 Influenza” and established a system for stockpiling infectious disease prevention supplies such as disinfectants and masks. In response to the spread of COVID-19 infections, we applied the “Pandemic Influenza Countermeasures BCP” mutatis mutandis and quickly activated our BCP system when a state of emergency was declared in April 2020.
Going forward, we will continue to prioritize ensuring Safety & Security of our customers and employees, take measures to prevent the spread of infection, and fulfill our social responsibilities by continuing our business, which is involved in maintaining social functions.
Response to COVID-19
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we have been distributing masks to employees and promoting teleworking. In light of the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, we have been continuously conducting voluntary PCR tests for employees involved in nursing care, after-school childcare, railway operations, etc. since August 2020, with the aim of allowing customers to use our group facilities with greater peace of mind. Furthermore, based on the government's announced policy regarding workplace vaccinations for COVID-19 vaccines in the workplace, we have administered a total of approximately 52,200 workplace vaccinations to employees of our the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries who requested them at Tokyu Hospital, which is directly operated by our company.
- ニュースリリース(2019年)
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- ニュースリリース(1999年)
- ニュースリリース(1998年)
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