Crisis management system

We have established a company-wide crisis management system based on the “Basic Rules for Crisis Management” to manage various crises related to our business activities and minimize losses in the event of a major earthquake or other unforeseen events.

Efforts to Respond to Large-Scale Earthquakes

In light of our social responsibility as a company engaged in businesses closely related to the lives of many of our customers, such as real estate and life services, we have established a crisis management system to ensure the safety of our customers in the event of an incident, accident, disaster, or other crisis, and to enable the continuation and recovery of our business. 
We also conduct biannual company-wide large-scale earthquake drills, in the spring and fall, with the participation of the President and other officers. Further drills are performed to communicate information between individual offices, head office, and consolidated subsidiaries, as well as drills for staying in the company building for three days, based on the “Tokyo Metropolitan Ordinance on Measures for Persons Having Difficulties Returning Home.”
Other drills are conducted to improve the skills of the Company fire safety group organized by employees in the head office building.
Additionally, each department conducts various drills in cooperation with the community, local government, and police and fire departments.
Through these drills, we have established a highly effective crisis management system.

BC system in the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries, elements to be strengthened, and actions to be taken

We have been working to strengthen our Business Continuity (BC) system with the aim of ensuring safety in the event of a major earthquake, as well as the continuation and rapid recovery of our business.
Additionally, to strengthen the BC system at each consolidated subsidiary, we have established the Tokyu BC Committee, headed by the President. Under the leadership of the Tokyu BC Committee, we are working to promote BC at each consolidated company even more than before, and to ensure that BC is carried out at all levels, from the head office departments that provide on-site support, to frontline units that provides services to customers.
Additionally, simulations and drills for the scenario of large-scale earthquakes are being conducted at major station facilities and lines, including Shibuya station, as well as at commercial facilities and hotels.

Efforts to Respond to Infectious Diseases

In response to the 2009 H1N1 influenza outbreak, we formulated the “Business Continuity Plan BCP for H1N1 Influenza” and established a system to stockpile disinfectants, masks, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies. Recently, during the spread of COVID-19, we applied the “Pandemic Influenza Countermeasures BCP” and promptly activated the BCP system when the emergency declaration was issued in April 2020.
We will continue to fulfill our social responsibility by placing the highest priority on ensuring the safety and security of our customers and employees, preventing the spread of infectious diseases, and continuing to conduct business related to the maintenance of social functions.

Response to COVID-19 Infections

Since the outbreak of COVID-19 infection, we have been distributing masks to employees and promoting telework.
In addition, in light of the situation where the number of people infected with the COVID-19 is spreading, we have continued to conduct voluntary PCR testing of employees involved in nursing care, childcare, and railway operations since August 2020, with the aim of ensuring that our customers can use our Group facilities with greater peace of mind.
Furthermore, in accordance with the government's announced policy on inoculation at workplaces, etc., a total of approximately 52,200 inoculations were administered at Tokyu Hospital, which is under our direct management, to the Group employees who wished to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.