Human Resources Data

Number of Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member, and Executive Officer (as of April 1, 2024)

  Number of Director Number Audit & Supervisory Board Member Number of Executive Officer
    Number of Inside Director
All (male and female) 11 people 7 people 4 people 14 people
Women among the above 2 people 0 people 0 people 0 people

*The number of Executive Officer includes those who also serve as Director.

Employee Information

(As of the end of March 2022)
(As of the end of March 2023)
(As of the end of March 2024)
number of employees 1,414 people 1,482 people 1,525 people
  male 829 people 891 people 905 people
woman 585 people 591 people 620 people
Female ratio 41.4% 39.9% 40.7%
Average age 43歳0か月 43歳8か月 43歳5か月
  male 44歳9か月 45歳4か月 44歳10か月
woman 40歳6か月 41歳3か月 41歳5か月
Average length of employment 15 years and 6 months 15 years and 1 month 14 years and 7 months
  male 18 years and 5 months 17 years and 3 months 16 years and 5 months
woman 11 years and 3 months 11 years and 11 months 11 years and 9 months
Turnover 3.5% 3.7% 3.6%
Employment rate of people with disabilities (as of June 1st of each year) 2.79% 2.87% 2.90%

* The employment rate of people with disabilities was calculated for our corporate group (our company, special subsidiary, and four affiliated companies).

Number of employees by age (end of FY2023)

  All (male and female) Women among the above
All 1,525 people 620 people
Under 30 174 people 83 people
30-39 years old 425 people 212 people
40-49 years old 459 people 183 people
50-59 years old 421 people 136 people
Age 60 or older 46 people 6 people

Number of new graduates hired

  Comprehensive work
2022年度 2023年度 2024年度
All (male and female) 31 people 31 people 43 people
male 17 people 16 people 32 people
woman 14 people 15 people 11 people
Female ratio 45% 48% 26%

* railway expert positions from FY2021 onwards will be recruited by Tokyu Railways Corporation.

*The figures for Tokyu Hospital employees (nurses, public health nurses, etc.) are as follows:
April 2021 - March 2022: 2 people (2 women) / April 2022 - March 2023: 1 person (1 woman) / April 2023 - March 2024: 0 people (0 women)

Number of career employees hired

Joining the company in April 2021- March 2022

Joining the company in April 2022 - March 2023

Joining the company in April 2023 - March 2024
All (male and female) 31 people 39 people 66 people
Women among the above 7 people 10 people 16 people

*The figures for Tokyu Hospital employees (nurses, public health nurses, etc.) are as follows:
April 2021 - March 2022: 15 people (15 women) / April 2022 - March 2023: 18 people (16 women) / April 2023 - March 2024: 18 people (18 women)

Percentage of new graduates hired

Joining the company in April 2021- March 2022

Joining the company in April 2022 - March 2023

Joining the company in April 2023 - March 2024
New Graduate Recruitment 55.7% 44.3% 32.0%
Career Recruitment 44.3% 55.7% 68.0%

*The figures for Tokyu Hospital employees (nurses, public health nurses, etc.) are as follows:
April 2021 to March 2022: 11.8% new graduates, 88.2% experienced employees / April 2022 to March 2023: 4.8% new graduates, 95.2% experienced employees / April 2023 to March 2024: 0.0% new graduates, 100.0% experienced employees

Number of managers (by gender)

(As of the end of March 2022)
(As of the end of March 2023)
(As of the end of March 2024)
Number of managers (including Executive Officer) * 337 people 640 people 631 people
  male 303 people 530 people 537 people
woman 34 people 90 people 94 people
Female ratio 10.1% 14.1% 14.9%

* Among employees (excluding employee-appointed Director) or those on probation as of the end of end of FY2023, including those seconded from the Company but excluding those seconded to the Company, the number of female managers is 128, and the ratio of women in managerial positions is 13.9%.

Number of managerial positions (by job responsibility) (end of FY2023)

  Number of positions equivalent to manager (or above) Number of positions equivalent to section manager
All (male and female) 75 people 556 people
Women among the above 4 people 90 people

Number of new managerial appointments

  2021年度 2022年度 2023年度
All (male and female) 27 people 30 people 40 people
Women among the above 4 people 4 people 10 people

Number of people taking childcare leave or nursing care leave

(End of March 2022)
(End of March 2023)
(End of March 2024)
Childcare leave 47 people 52 people 59 people
(Parental leave acquisition rate / average number of days taken)
24 people
(88.9%, 52.5 days)
29 people
(90.6%, 32.7 days)
31 people
(93.9%, 46.8 days)
(Parental leave taking rate)
23 people
23 people
28 people
Nursing care leave 1 person 2 people 1 person
  male 0 people 1 person 0 people
woman 1 person 1 person 1 person

Number of people re-employed after retirement

(End of March 2022)
(End of March 2023)
(End of March 2024)
Number of re-employed employees 95 people (86% *) 108 people (88% *) 145 people (89% *)

*In light of the Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons, which came into force in April 2013, employees who wish to be re-employed after retirement and who meet all of the relevant criteria will in principle have their employment extended until age 65.

*Re-employment rate: Number of re-employed employees within Tokyu Group in the given fiscal year / Total number of retirees at the Company

Paid leave acquisition rate

(July 2020 to June 2021)
(July 2021 to June 2022)
(July 2022 to June 2023)
Paid leave acquisition rate 73.0% 72.0% 73.0%

*The average number of days taken in FY2022 is 14.7 days.

Average overtime hours per month

  end of FY2023
Average overtime hours per month 16.4 hours

*Calculated based on non-statutory working hours (including working hours on statutory holidays).

Gender wage gap

  2022年度 2023年度
All employees 68.2% 67.3%
Of which, regular employees 74.3% 72.2%
Of which, part-time and fixed-term employees 68.2% 63.5%

*We started hiring female general employees in 1988, and the number of female employees was low until the mid-2000s. As a result, there were more men in senior positions, which is the reason for the above discrepancy.
To narrow the gap, we have set targets such as "18% or more females in management positions by the end of fiscal 2026" and "40% or more females among new graduate recruits for general positions," and are proactively promoting measures to empower women, such as holding seminars for women and sending employees to external training programs exclusively for women.

Number of employees leaving the company (end of FY2023)

Number of employees leaving the company 94 people
Women among the above 29 people

*The figures for Tokyu Hospital employees (nurses, public health nurses, etc.) are as follows:
16 people (including 16 women)

Consolidated female full-time employee ratio

(End of March 2022)
(End of March 2023)
(End of March 2024)
Female full-time employee ratio
(Domestic consolidated)
26.0% 25.5% 25.6%

Occupational Safety and Health Data

  2021年度 2022年度 2023年度
Lost-time accident rate (frequency rate) 0.94 1.32 0.0
Lost-time accident rate (severity rate) 0.002 0.03 0.01
Number of work-related accidents and incidents resulting in injury or death 7 Results 3 Results 8 Results
Number of Workplace Accidents (Fatal Accidents) full-time employee 0 Results 0 Results 0 Results
contract employee 0 Results 0 Results 0 Results
Regular health check-up attendance rate 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Healthy Person Rate by Periodic Health Check 52.6% 51.8% 45.0%
High-risk management rate based on regular health check results 97.3% 97.3% 77.2%
Rate of receiving detailed examinations after regular health checkups 42.6% 42.6% 71.4%
Stress check participation rate 96.7% 96.7% 100%
Number of people with high stress levels in stress checks 16 people 16 people 10 people
Participation in specific health guidance
*Including Tokyu Railways
Active support 23.5% 23.5% 34.1%
Motivational support 31.8% 31.8% 30.0%
Number of young employees (39 years old or younger) participating in metabolic syndrome prevention measures
*Including Tokyu Railways
61 people 36 people 32 people
Total number of days absent due to injury or illness 7,068 days 8,325 days 7,027 days
Total number of days off work due to mental illness 3,622 days 2,296 days 2,762 days
Presenteeism (WFun) 91.7% 91.9% 91.9%

*Our goal for this year is to improve on the results of the previous year.

*For information on information disclosure items under the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace, please see the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare's "Database of Companies Promoting Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace."