Environmental Information Data for the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries
At the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries, we accurately grasp environmental information, such as the energy and resources we consume, as well as the waste and greenhouse gas emissions, in our wide-ranging business operations, and use this information to implement effective reduction initiatives.
The calculation method and emission coefficient are in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting, Reporting, and Publication System.
To ensure the reliability of the figures, the environmental data for FY2023 marked with a ✓ has been third-party assured by LRQA Limited. Accordingly, we are unifying the emission factors for past years and examining each data item.
LRQA Independent Assurance Statement FY2023
LRQA Independent Assurance Statement FY2022
LRQA Independent Assurance Statement FY2021
LRQA Independent Assurance Statement FY2020
Scope of calculation
The survey covers Tokyu Corporation and its 111 consolidated subsidiaries both in Japan and overseas.
However, for data with different aggregation scopes, annotated separately.
Status of progress towards environmental targets
the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries have set the realization of a "decarbonized, recycling-based society" as one of Material sustainability themes (materiality), and are promoting Sustainable Cities and Communities. In March 2022, we formulated the "Environmental Vision 2030" and set new environmental goals. In addition, we will continue to work to further deepen the environmental initiatives we have been pursuing to date, with the aim of achieving our goals for the realization of a decarbonized, recycling-based society society.
Please see below for details on our environmental targets and progress.
Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation
item | unit | FY2030 target | Fiscal Year 2019 (Base year) |
FY2023 results | Base year increase/decrease | |
Carbon-free society | CO2 Emissions (Scope 1, 2) | t-CO2 | 46.2% reduction | 618,643 | 353,096 | 42.9% reduction |
CO2 Emissions (Scope 3) | t-CO2 | 30% reduction | 2,622,339 | 1,522,067 | 42.0% reduction | |
Renewable energy ratio | % | 50% | 0.5 | 44.2 | 43.7 point increase | |
recycling-based society | Waste volume (a revenue unit basis) | t/100 million yen | 10% reduction | 4.33 | 3.42 | 21.0% reduction |
Water usage (a revenue unit basis) | 1,000m3 /100 million yen | 10% reduction | 0.85 | 0.69 | 18.8% reduction | |
Initiatives for the city | Providing a range of services to reduce environmental impact | subject | Over 100 | ー | 15 Results | Total: 32 |
SDGs Action Person *1 | % | 65% | 50.6% *2 | 50.5% | Decreased by 0.1 points |
*1 People who take action on the SDGs: The percentage of people who intend to choose a company/take action based on one or more of the 17 SDGs goals, based on an online survey of SDG awareness conducted by areas served by Tokyu’s railway lines Corporation in 17 cities and wards along Tokyu lines
*2 Base year: FY2021
Climate change related data (energy and greenhouse gases)
amount to use
item | unit | FY2019 (Base year) |
2020年度 | 2021年度 | 2022年度 | 2023年度 | Year-on-year change |
Power | MWh | 1,019,898 | 945,581 | 920,507 | 923,840 | 917,262 | 99.3% |
Heat supply | Good. | 468,281 | 282,464 | 330,003 | 374,406 | 464,367 | 124.0% |
City Gas | 1,000m3 | 18,455 | 18,273 | 20,990 | 23,565 | 24,141 | 102.4% |
LP Gas | 1,000m3 | 463 | 302 | 360 | 354 | 374 | 105.8% |
Natural gas (CNG) | 1,000m3 | 369 | 383 | 260 | 420 | 537 | 127.7% |
Heavy Oil A | ㎘ | 3,646 | 3,094 | 3,514 | 3,515 | 3,600 | 102.4% |
kerosene | ㎘ | 1,671 | 1,640 | 1,465 | 1,408 | 1,225 | 87.0% |
Light oil | ㎘ | 23,017 | 20,609 | 20,216 | 19,380 | 20,652 | 106.6% |
gasoline | ㎘ | 1,472 | 1,094 | 1,146 | 1,089 | 1,040 | 95.5% |
Total crude oil equivalent | ㎘ | 158,533 | 142,093 | 144,064 | 147,885 | 151,585 | 102.5% |
Total amount of electricity | MWh | 1,753,686 | 1,558,105 | 1,584,078 | 1,592,212 | 1,632,056 | 102.5% |
* The total crude oil equivalent does not include in-house power generation (cogeneration) and power generation losses.
* The total amount converted into electricity does not include in-house power generation (cogeneration).
Breakdown of electricity and the proportion of electricity derived from renewable energy sources
item | FY2019 (Base year) |
2020年度 | 2021年度 | 2022年度 | 2023年度 | Year-on-year change | |
Total electricity usage | 1,019,898 | 945,581 | 920,507 | 923,840 | 917,262 | 99.3% | |
General electricity/self-generated power (cogeneration) | 1,017,700 | 942,856 | 913,902 | 558,266 | 513,618 | 92.0% | |
Renewable energy/CO2-free electricity | 2,198 | 2,725 | 6,605 | 365,573 | 403,644 | 110.4% | |
Offset Certificate | 2,531 | 5,219 | 6,416 | 1,578 | 1,401 | 88.8% | |
Total renewable energy electricity | 4,729 | 7,944 | 13,021 | 367,152 | 405,045 | 110.3% | |
Proportion of renewable energy electricity | 0.5% | 0.8% | 1.4% | 39.7% | 44.2% | 4.5 points increase |
*Offset Certificate: A general term for certificates that can be considered to be used as equivalent to renewable energy electricity, such as J Credits, Non-Fossil Certificates, and Green Power Certificates.
*Some totals may differ due to fractional amounts.
Energy consumption by industry (segment)
item | unit | segment | FY2019 (Base year) |
2020年度 | 2021年度 | 2022年度 | 2023年度 | Year-on-year change |
Power | MWh | Consolidated Group Total | 1,019,898 | 945,581 | 920,507 | 923,840 | 917,262 | 99.3% |
Transportation Business | 436,904 | 408,286 | 392,044 | 384,742 | 397,042 | 103.2% | ||
real estate Business | 112,070 | 131,254 | 105,166 | 114,767 | 116,398 | 101.4% | ||
Life Service Business | 369,177 | 328,177 | 333,681 | 324,767 | 298,510 | 91.9% | ||
hotel and resort business | 101,747 | 77,864 | 89,617 | 99,564 | 105,312 | 105.8% | ||
Heat supply | Good. | Consolidated Group Total | 468,281 | 282,464 | 330,003 | 374,406 | 464,367 | 124.0% |
Transportation Business | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ー | ||
real estate Business | 128,465 | 65,906 | 71,340 | 91,534 | 109,236 | 119.3% | ||
Life Service Business | 142,632 | 96,757 | 128,974 | 133,113 | 157,646 | 118.4% | ||
hotel and resort business | 197,184 | 119,801 | 129,690 | 149,758 | 197,485 | 131.9% | ||
City Gas | 1,000m3 | Consolidated Group Total | 18,455 | 18,273 | 20,990 | 23,565 | 24,141 | 102.4% |
Transportation Business | 585 | 347 | 372 | 396 | 396 | 100.1% | ||
real estate Business | 2,592 | 7,078 | 8,045 | 8,239 | 8,533 | 103.6% | ||
Life Service Business | 5,310 | 4,648 | 4,960 | 4,954 | 4,725 | 95.4% | ||
hotel and resort business | 9,967 | 6,199 | 7,613 | 9,977 | 10,488 | 105.1% | ||
LP Gas | 1,000m3 | Consolidated Group Total | 463 | 302 | 360 | 354 | 374 | 105.8% |
Transportation Business | 61 | 35 | 38 | 42 | 43 | 102.5% | ||
real estate Business | 9 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 87.8% | ||
Life Service Business | 237 | 194 | 235 | 217 | 236 | 108.8% | ||
hotel and resort business | 156 | 72 | 84 | 91 | 92 | 100.9% | ||
Natural Gas (CNG) | 1,000m3 | Consolidated Group Total | 369 | 383 | 260 | 420 | 537 | 127.7% |
Transportation Business | 369 | 383 | 260 | 420 | 537 | 127.7% | ||
real estate Business | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ー | ||
Life Service Business | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ー | ||
hotel and resort business | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | ー | ||
Heavy Oil A | ㎘ | Consolidated Group Total | 3,646 | 3,094 | 3,514 | 3,515 | 3,600 | 102.4% |
Transportation Business | 200 | 200 | 200 | 272 | 248 | 91.1% | ||
real estate Business | 198 | 194 | 201 | 162 | 158 | 97.5% | ||
Life Service Business | 798 | 683 | 856 | 932 | 1,043 | 111.9% | ||
hotel and resort business | 2,450 | 2,016 | 2,257 | 2,148 | 2,151 | 100.1% | ||
Light oil | ㎘ | Consolidated Group Total | 23,017 | 20,609 | 20,216 | 19,380 | 20,652 | 106.6% |
Transportation Business | 19,893 | 20,416 | 19,984 | 19,101 | 20,337 | 106.5% | ||
real estate Business | 3,000 | 102 | 123 | 136 | 115 | 84.6% | ||
Life Service Business | 51 | 25 | 32 | 35 | 43 | 121.3% | ||
hotel and resort business | 74 | 65 | 76 | 108 | 157 | 146.1% | ||
kerosene | ㎘ | Consolidated Group Total | 1,671 | 1,640 | 1,465 | 1,408 | 1,225 | 87.0% |
Transportation Business | 215 | 438 | 395 | 383 | 352 | 92.0% | ||
real estate Business | 236 | 75 | 74 | 72 | 70 | 97.5% | ||
Life Service Business | 436 | 441 | 225 | 121 | 94 | 77.4% | ||
hotel and resort business | 784 | 686 | 771 | 833 | 709 | 85.1% | ||
gasoline | ㎘ | Consolidated Group Total | 1,472 | 1,094 | 1,146 | 1,089 | 1,040 | 95.5% |
Transportation Business | 358 | 319 | 317 | 263 | 264 | 100.7% | ||
real estate Business | 570 | 304 | 305 | 293 | 241 | 82.2% | ||
Life Service Business | 391 | 338 | 379 | 366 | 372 | 101.7% | ||
hotel and resort business | 153 | 133 | 144 | 167 | 163 | 97.3% | ||
Total crude oil equivalent | ㎘ | Consolidated Group Total | 158,533 | 142,093 | 144,064 | 147,885 | 151,585 | 102.5% |
Transportation Business | 61,921 | 59,615 | 57,541 | 56,236 | 58,736 | 104.4% | ||
real estate Business | 20,204 | 21,527 | 20,369 | 22,112 | 23,002 | 104.0% | ||
Life Service Business | 46,413 | 40,361 | 42,197 | 41,373 | 39,422 | 95.3% | ||
hotel and resort business | 29,978 | 20,591 | 23,958 | 28,164 | 30,425 | 108.0% | ||
Total amount of electricity | MWh | Consolidated Group Total | 1,753,686 | 1,558,105 | 1,584,078 | 1,592,212 | 1,632,056 | 102.5% |
Transportation Business | 666,680 | 641,851 | 619,519 | 605,466 | 632,386 | 104.4% | ||
real estate Business | 230,372 | 238,359 | 226,434 | 238,069 | 247,653 | 104.0% | ||
Life Service Business | 514,151 | 444,221 | 467,213 | 445,446 | 424,441 | 95.3% | ||
hotel and resort business | 342,484 | 233,674 | 270,913 | 303,231 | 327,576 | 108.0% |
*Some totals may differ due to fractional amounts.
Greenhouse Gases (GHG)
Emissions Breakdown
item | Fiscal Year 2019 (Base year) |
2020年度 | 2021年度 | 2022年度 | 2023年度 | Year-on-year change | ||
Total GHG | 644,333 | 570,109 | 564,560 | 406,266 | 371,912 | 91.5% | ||
Domestic energy-derived CO2 | 618,643 | 544,081 | 535,741 | 383,321 | 353,096 | 92.1% | ||
Scope 1 | Fluorocarbons (CO2 equivalent) | 25,690 | 26,028 | 28,819 | 22,945 | 18,816 | 82.0% | |
CO2 from fossil fuels | 122,242 | 112,101 | 118,133 | 119,933 | 122,438 | 102.1% | ||
Scope 2 | CO2 from electricity and heat supply | 496,401 | 431,980 | 417,608 | 263,388 | 230,658 | 87.6% |
* Operating revenue for fiscal 2019 and FY2020 is calculated based on the estimated impact of applying accounting standards for revenue recognition.
* Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions from the use of primary energy sources such as fossil fuels.
* Scope 2: CO2 emissions generated when secondary energy such as purchased electricity is produced.
*At the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries, GHGs (fluorocarbons) other than CO2 and HFCs are excluded as their amounts are extremely small, accounting for less than 1%, and only CO2 and HFCs are calculated and reported.
* Fluorocarbons: Leaks of HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons, alternative fluorocarbons) are converted into CO2 equivalents.
Trends in emissions per unit of revenue
item | unit | FY2019 (Base year) |
2020年度 | 2021年度 | 2022年度 | 2023年度 | Year-on-year change |
Operating revenue | Billion Yen | 9,965 | 7,926 | 8,791 | 9,313 | 10,378 | 111.4% |
Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions | t-CO2 | 644,333 | 570,109 | 564,560 | 406,266 | 371,912 | 91.5% |
Per Revenue Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions |
t-CO₂/ Billion Yen |
64.7 | 71.9 | 64.2 | 43.6 | 35.8 | 82.1% |
* Operating revenue for fiscal 2019 and FY2020 is calculated based on the estimated impact of applying accounting standards for revenue recognition.
Emissions by segment
item | FY2019 | 2020年度 | 2021年度 | 2022年度 | 2023年度 | |||||||
Emissions | ratio | Emissions | ratio | Emissions | ratio | Emissions | ratio | Emissions | ratio | |||
Total GHG | 644,333 | 100% | 570,109 | 100% | 564,560 | 100% | 406,266 | 100.0% | 371,912 | 100.0% | ||
Transportation Business | 254,886 | 40% | 236,666 | 42% | 227,057 | 40% | 70,295 | 17.3% | 72,721 | 19.6% | ||
real estate Business | 74,141 | 12% | 78,002 | 14% | 65,318 | 12% | 66,381 | 16.3% | 58,432 | 15.7% | ||
Life Service Business | 222,712 | 35% | 190,048 | 33% | 198,408 | 35% | 186,550 | 45.9% | 154,411 | 41.5% | ||
hotel and resort business | 92,593 | 14% | 65,394 | 12% | 73,778 | 13% | 83,040 | 20.4% | 86,348 | 23.2% | ||
Scope 1 | 147,932 | 100% | 138,129 | 100% | 146,952 | 100% | 142,878 | 100.0% | 141,254 | 100.0% | ||
Transportation Business | 55,764 | 38% | 56,909 | 42% | 55,530 | 38% | 53,687 | 37.6% | 57,628 | 40.8% | ||
real estate Business | 16,064 | 11% | 17,755 | 13% | 19,975 | 14% | 19,741 | 13.8% | 19,007 | 13.5% | ||
Life Service Business | 43,466 | 29% | 41,360 | 30% | 45,166 | 31% | 38,618 | 27.0% | 34,032 | 24.1% | ||
hotel and resort business | 32,639 | 22% | 22,105 | 16% | 26,280 | 18% | 30,832 | 21.6% | 30,588 | 21.6% | ||
Scope 2 | 496,401 | 100% | 431,980 | 100% | 417,608 | 100% | 263,388 | 100.0% | 230,658 | 100.0% | ||
Transportation Business | 199,123 | 40% | 179,757 | 42% | 171,527 | 41% | 16,607 | 6.3% | 15,093 | 6.5% | ||
real estate Business | 58,078 | 12% | 60,247 | 14% | 45,343 | 11% | 46,640 | 17.7% | 39,425 | 17.1% | ||
Life Service Business | 179,247 | 36% | 148,688 | 34% | 153,241 | 37% | 147,932 | 56.2% | 120,379 | 52.2% | ||
hotel and resort business | 59,953 | 12% | 43,289 | 10% | 47,497 | 11% | 52,208 | 19.8% | 55,760 | 24.2% |
*Some totals may differ due to fractional amounts.
* Calculated for the organization as of August 2023.
Supply Chain Emissions
item | FY2019 (Base year) |
2020年度 | 2021年度 | 2022年度 | 2023年度 | Year-on-year change | |||
GHG (total) | 3,266,672 | 2,749,752 | 2,790,462 | 2,739,164 | 1,893,979 | 69.1% | |||
Scope 1 | 147,932 | 138,129 | 146,952 | 142,878 | 141,254 | 98.9% | |||
Scope 2 | 496,401 | 431,980 | 417,608 | 263,388 | 230,658 | 87.6% | |||
Scope 3 (subtotal of categories 1 to 15) | 2,622,339 | 2,179,643 | 2,225,902 | 2,332,898 | 1,522,067 | 65.2% | |||
Upstream (Procurement) |
Category 1 | Purchased products and services | 947,165 | 796,243 | 773,393 | 813,884 | 717,454 | 88.2% | |
Category 2 | Capital Materials | 767,841 | 392,929 | 440,681 | 577,294 | 427,518 | 74.1% | ||
Category 3 | Fuel and energy activities not included in Scope 1 and 2 | 629,883 | 682,980 | 752,359 | 678,436 | 202,074 | 29.8% | ||
Category 4 | Transportation and distribution (upstream) | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ||
Category 5 | Waste generated from business | 8,390 | 7,615 | 9,514 | 8,883 | 7,715 | 86.9% | ||
Category 6 | business trip | 3,180 | 3,205 | 3,167 | 3,087 | 3,066 | 99.3% | ||
Category 7 | Employee commuting | 5,904 | 5,950 | 5,880 | 2,865 | 2,846 | 99.3% | ||
Category 8 | Leased assets (upstream) | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ||
downstream (sale) |
Category 9 | Transportation and distribution (downstream) | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | |
Category 10 | Processing of sold products | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ||
Category 11 | Use of sold products | 89,296 | 119,406 | 142,521 | 156,232 | 37,122 | 23.8% | ||
Category 12 | Disposal of sold products | 793 | 437 | 222 | ー | ー | ー | ||
Category 13 | Leased assets (downstream) | 169,886 | 170,879 | 98,165 | 92,217 | 124,272 | 134.8% | ||
Category 14 | Franchise | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ||
Category 15 | investment | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー | ー |
*Category 4 is included in Category 1, and Category 8 is included in Scope 1 and 2.
*Category 12 is excluded from FY2022 as it accounts for a small amount, less than 1% of total Scope 3 emissions.
Resource-related data
Waste generation and recycling rate
item | unit | FY2019 (Base year) |
2020年度 | 2021年度 | 2022年度 | 2023年度 | Year-on-year change |
Total waste volume | t | 43,145 | 36,900 | 41,812 | 40,739 | 35,542 | 87.2% |
Recycling volume | t | 16,400 | 14,926 | 20,513 | 20,092 | 15,864 | 79.0% |
Recycling rate | % | 38.0% | 40.5% | 49.1% | 49.3% | 44.6% | 90.5% |
Operating revenue | Billion Yen | 9,965 | 7,926 | 8,791 | 9,313 | 10,378 | 111.4% |
a revenue unit basis | t/billion yen | 4.33 | 4.66 | 4.76 | 4.37 | 3.42 | 78.3% |
* Operating revenue for fiscal 2019 and FY2020 is calculated based on the estimated impact of applying accounting standards for revenue recognition.
Water Resources usage
item | unit | FY2019 (Base year) |
2020年度 | 2021年度 | 2022年度 | 2023年度 | Year-on-year change |
Water Supply | 1,000m³ | 6,734 | 4,969 | 5,381 | 5,406 | 5,518 | 102.1% |
Well water, river water, industrial water, etc. | 1,000m³ | 1,763 | 1,044 | 1,588 | 1,655 | 1,594 | 96.3% |
Water Use | 1,000m³ | 8,497 | 6,013 | 6,969 | 7,061 | 7,112 | 100.7% |
recycled water | 1,000m³ | ー | ー | ー | 397 | 354 | 89.2% |
Operating revenue | Billion Yen | 9,965 | 7,926 | 8,791 | 9,313 | 10,378 | 111.4% |
a revenue unit basis | 1,000m³/100 million yen | 0.85 | 0.76 | 0.79 | 0.76 | 0.69 | 90.8% |
Water discharge | 1,000m³ | 3,538 | 3,398 | 4,498 | 4,925 | 5,262 | 106.8% |
* Operating revenue for fiscal 2019 and FY2020 is calculated based on the estimated impact of applying accounting standards for revenue recognition.
* From fiscal 2019 to FY2021, "recycled water" was recorded as part of "well water, river water, industrial water, etc.", but from FY2022, it will be recorded separately.
- News Releases (2019)
- News Releases (2018)
- News Releases (2017)
- News Releases (2016)
- News Releases (2015)
- News Releases (2014)
- News Releases (2013)
- News Releases (2012)
- News Release (2011)
- News Releases (2010)
- News Release (2009)
- News Release (2008)
- News Release (2007)
- News Release (2006)
- News Release (2005)
- News Release (2004)
- News Release (2003)
- News Release (2002)
- News Release (2001)
- News Release (2000)
- News Release (1999)
- News Release (1998)
- greeting
- New three-year mid-term management plan
Safety Initiatives for Urban Development Projects
- Shibuya Station Area Development Project
- Urban and community development in Futako Tamagawa
- Office development and management business
- Commercial facility development and management business
- Housing-related development and management business
- Town revitalization projects centered around railway lines
- Tokyu the Tama Den-en-toshi area and Urban and community development
- Creating the future, a place of innovation
- hotel and resort business
- International Business
- About the Tokyu Group
- Shareholder/Investor Information
- Recruiting
- Diversity
- Transportation Infrastructure Business
- Airport operation business