Initiatives for Sustainable Management

Sustainability report TOKYU CORPORATION

What's New

Diversity management at Tokyu Corporation

Changes in LGBT-related regulations and operations Since July 2017, in...

Social Contribution
Various social contribution activities

SDGs Train “Towards a Beautiful Age” Meguro Line Train cars painted ...

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Law (Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons)

Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Law (Act on Rational Use and Proper Manag...

Social Contribution
Social Contribution

Approach to social contribution activities We will cont...

Diversity & Inclusion

Main Initiatives To enable people from diverse backgrounds to contin...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation

Guideline comparison table GRI standard reference table ...

Respect for Human Rights

Human Rights Policy Human Rights Policy Based on the Group's missio...

Social Contribution
Approach to social contribution activities

Various social contribution activities "Since its establishment in 192...


Our and our consolidated subsidiaries’ environmental data

We collect environmental data such as the amount of energy and resources ...

Human Resource Strategy

Our Fundamental Way

Our Fundamental Way Under the slogan of transformation formulated in o...


Diversity & Inclusion

Promotion system In October 2014, a department dedicated to promoting ...

Occupational Health and Safety, and Health Management

Health Declaration and promotion system In Februar...

Social Contribution
The 2nd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Special Awards: 2 《 Environment Section 》 Recycling of weeds alon...

Local Community

Creating facilities to promote interaction In April 2017, the Shibuya ...

Risk Management

Our Fundamental Way In accordance with the basic policy on the interna...

Social Contribution
The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Special Awards: 4

Special Awards: 4 《 Environmental Field 》 Initiatives to Restore ...

Social Contribution
The 2nd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1 Environmental and dis...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
GRI standard reference table

General Disclosures ...

A comfortable railway user environment


Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Joining RE100

Joining RE100 We joined RE100 (a powerful initiative led by The Climat...

Risk Management

Response to Individual Risks Climate-related risks The Group is t...

Material sustainability themes (Materiality)

Process diagram for Identifying Using materiality to identify cr...