Initiatives for Sustainable Management

Sustainability report TOKYU CORPORATION

What's New

Environmental Report

Corporate Social Responsibility Report (Only available in Japanese) ...

Examples of initiatives toward "Environmental Vision 2030"

Approaches to Biodiversity Conservation

■ Establish a cooperation system towards a decarbonized and recycling-bas...


Social Contribution
Social Contribution

Approach to social contribution activities We will cont...

Environmental Advertising Poster

The 25th Global Environment Award Awarded the 25th Global Environm...

Protection of Personal Information and Information Security

Protection of personal information Handling of personal information ...

Basic Policy on Internal Control System

(Matters concerning the establishment of systems to ensure the appropriat...

Occupational Health and Safety, and Health Management

Health Declaration and promotion system In Februar...

Social Contribution
The 3rd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1 Acceptance of overnig...

A comfortable railway user environment


Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External Evaluation

ESG Evaluation MSCI ESG Rating AAA MSCI ESG Ratings...

Social Contribution
Social Contribution Activities through School Corporations and Foundations

Tokyu Foundation The Tokyu Foundation was established on April 1, ...

Environmental Advertising Poster

Train and Eco Story Series 2 Train and Eco Story Series 2 (Only a...

Environmental Report

Environmental Report 2005 Edition Download PDF version (2.49MB) ...

Social Contribution
Social Contribution Activities through School Corporations and Foundations

The Gotoh Museum (established in 1959) The Gotoh Museum The G...

Social Contribution
Social Contribution Activities through School Corporations and Foundations

Asia Gakuen Educational Corporation (Established in 1941, Asia University...


Safety Initiatives
Safety Policy and Promotion System

Systems to promote safety

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Environmental Litigation

Environmental Litigation There were no environment-related lawsuits in...

Social Contribution
The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards W...

Environmental Datasheets

Environmental Report You can view the PDF files of our ...

Raising the level of satisfaction in housing

Various services in the real estate business Improving customer sati...

A comfortable railway user environment

Expansion of railway network Sotetsu and Tokyu Direct Line Pl...

Making the most of customers’ voices

Policy for improving customer satisfaction The Tokyu Group Compliance ...