Initiatives for Sustainable Management

Sustainability report TOKYU CORPORATION

What's New

Participation in the United Nations Global Compact

The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact ...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External evaluation (occupational health and safety; health management)

Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations ...

Social Contribution
The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards W...

(Human Resources Strategies)Diversity initiatives

By promoting the development of an organization that makes the most of th...

Environmental data collection

We and our consolidated subsidiaries will promote environmental managem...

Health Management & Occupational Health and Safety

Occupational health and safety We believe that the first step to ensur...


Environmental Advertising Poster

Train and Eco Story Series 2 Train and Eco Story Series 2 (Only a...

Safety Initiatives
Crisis management system

Crisis management system

We have established a company-wide crisis management system based on the ...

Customer Responsibility

We will contribute to the development of society through customer-focus...

Social Contribution
The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1 Uedadentetsu Bessho L...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External evaluation and external collaboration (promotion of work style reform)

100 Telework Pioneers The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Com...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
Guideline comparison table

GRI standard reference table ISO 26000 reference table ...

Human Resource Strategy

Our Fundamental Way

Our Fundamental Way Under the slogan of transformation formulated in o...


Health Management & Occupational Health and Safety

Promotion system and implementation measures Tokyu Corporation has est...

Safety Initiatives
Safety Policy and Promotion System

Systems to promote safety

Safety Initiatives
Safety Policy and Promotion System

Safety Management at the Company and its Consolidated Subsidiaries

Safety Management and Enforcement Systems at the Company and Its Consolid...

Examples of initiatives toward "Environmental Vision 2030"

Approaches to Reducing Environmental Impact

■ Realize a Recycling-based Society Aiming to realize a recycling-base...

Environmental Promotion and Management System

Environmental Management Promotion System The Company has established ...


Protection of Personal Information and Information Security

Protection of personal information Handling of personal information ...

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Dealing with Asbestos

Dealing with Asbestos Tokyu Railways conducted a survey on the use of ...

Safety Initiatives
Safety Policy and Promotion System

System to promote safety at the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries

The fundamental every business in the Tokyu Corporation Group including the...