Initiatives for Sustainable Management

Sustainability report TOKYU CORPORATION

What's New


Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External evaluation (occupational health and safety; health management)

Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations ...

Social Contribution
The 3rd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards



Tokyu Railways's environmental data and environmental accounting

VVVF-controlled vehicles to reduce power loss in motors

VVVF-controlled vehicles to reduce power loss in motors VVVF-controlle...

Code of Conduct

1. To pursue the value that customers seek and develop and provide social...

Local Community

Creating facilities to promote interaction In April 2017, the Shibuya ...

Social Contribution
The 2nd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1 Environmental and dis...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
Guideline comparison table

GRI standard reference table ISO 26000 reference table ...



Participation in the United Nations Global Compact

In April 2019, we became the first corporate group that includes ...

Environmental Advertising Poster

Train and Eco Story Series 2 Train and Eco Story Series 2 (Only a...

Safety Initiatives
Safety Initiatives

Safety Policy, Promotion and Crisis Management System ...

Work style

Walfare program The Company serves as the organizer of the "Personnel ...

Social Contribution
Various social contribution activities

Tokyu Association Christmas Party(Okinawa Tokyu Association) Fo...

Social Contribution
Social Contribution Activities through School Corporations and Foundations

The Gotoh Museum (established in 1959) The Gotoh Museum The G...

Examples of initiatives toward "Environmental Vision 2030"

Approaches to Biodiversity Conservation

■ Establish a cooperation system towards a decarbonized and recycling-bas...

Social Contribution
The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards W...

Protection of Personal Information and Information Security

Information security Approaches to the protection of information ass...


Social Contribution
The 3rd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1 Acceptance of overnig...

A comfortable railway user environment


Social Contribution
The 3rd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Social Contribution Awards: 2

Social Contribution Awards: 2 Tokyu Line Platform Screen Door Instal...

Social Contribution
The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1

Environmental and Social Contribution Award: 1 Uedadentetsu Bessho L...

Environmental Promotion and Management System

Environmental management of Tokyu Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries

Environmental management of Tokyu Corporation and its consolidated subsid...