Sustainability Promotion Organization and System

Sustainability Promotion Activities at the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries

The Company and its consolidated subsidiaries have long recognized the importance of our social responsibility as corporate citizens, and have been actively promoting Sustainable management, including working on compliance and continuing to solve social issues and Social Contribution through our business. Starting with the establishment of the "Tokyu Group Compliance Guidelines" in January 2002, we have been promoting various sustainable activities, which emphasize the importance of internal control for consolidated subsidiaries to autonomously promote Sustainable management, and mainly state the specific actions that each company's management should take. Through this series of efforts, we promise to fulfill our social responsibilities in response to society's expectations and strive for sustainable corporate growth.

Sustainability Promotion Structure

Tokyu Corporation's Sustainability Promotion Activities

Our company has adopted "Sustainable management" as its basic management stance, and in order to comprehensively and effectively promote "Creating a beautiful living environment for our future" and "continuously finding solutions to social issues through our business," Compliance and Risk Management Committee plays a central role in coordinating with each business division within the company and each Group company to proactively resolve social issues and engage in Social Contribution activities through our business.

Sustainability Promotion Committee

In order to more strongly promote Sustainable management, we have been holding the "Sustainability Promotion Committee" since FY 2018, succeeding the "CSR Management Promotion Committee" chaired by President, which has been held since FY 2010. In principle, the conference is held twice a year to share important information on Sustainable management, including safety and compliance, and to provide instructions on appropriate responses by the company.

Tokyu Group Sustainability Promotion Committee

In order to strengthen the sustainability promotion system at the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries, in FY 2018 we established the Tokyu Group Sustainability Promotion Committee, which is attended by sustainability promotion managers from the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries.
The meeting aims to share information, such as conveying our Sustainable management policies as a core company to each Group company, so that the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries have a common perspective and way of thinking and work together to promote Sustainable management. In principle, the meeting is held twice a year.

Seminars for managers

Since FY 2008, in order to encourage the management of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries take the initiative in promoting sustainable management, we have been holding seminars on compliance and other topics for full-time officers of the Company and representative director of consolidated subsidiaries, inviting lawyers and other leading experts in various fields as lecturers.

Event history (last 5 years)

event date Content
2018.7.19 Middle Crisis Management: Theory and Practice
2019.7.25 Compliance as a Trade-Off: A New Perspective on Understanding Corporate Scandals
2020.9.9 What should executives do to prevent harassment?
2021.7.21 The National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (2020-2025) (NAP)
2022.7.20 "Business and Human Rights": What we should do in pursuit of new corporate values

Raising awareness about sustainability

In order to stay ahead of social conditions and global social issues, we have been holding regular seminars since FY 2004 on the themes of legal compliance, environmental conservation, and customer satisfaction, inviting lecturers such as lawyers, certified public accountants, and academic experts. The seminars are open to our directors and employees, as well as employees of our consolidated subsidiaries.

Event history (last 5 years)

event date Content
2018.9.12 Middle Crisis Management: What the Field Should Do
2018.11.2 Anger management training to improve customer service skills
2018.11.6 Issues and approaches to Sustainable management in the ESG era
2019.2.27 Countermeasures against power harassment in the workplace: The basics of harassment and how to take countermeasures
2019.3.8 How Social Contribution through Sustainable management
-Environmental and Social Contribution that stakeholders expect from companies-
2019.6.6 Customer satisfaction improvement seminar to learn from StarFlyer, which has been ranked number one in customer satisfaction for 10 consecutive years
2019.7.31 Civil Code Revision Measures: Summary of Revisions and How to Proceed
2019.11.7 A future where people and nature can live in harmony
2019.11.28 Learn from a former Takarasienne how to capture the hearts of your customers with captivating conversation techniques
2020.2.11 Contributing to a society in harmony with nature -Biodiversity
2020.6.11 Waste Management Law Seminar
2020.8.13 Basic course on SDGs
2020.9.24 The Importance of Business Process Visualization from a Compliance Perspective
2020.11.4 Social responsibility is meaningful not for the sake of society, but for the sake of one's own company.
- A panoramic view of Japan, the world, and Tokyu in the 2020s -
2021.2.19 Challenges and approaches for companies tackling long-term environmental goals
2022.3.4 Key points and responses to the revised Personal Information Protection Act