Initiatives for Sustainable Management

Sustainability report TOKYU CORPORATION

What's New

Environmental Policy and Vision

Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy Tokyu Corporation will promote environmental mana...


Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External Evaluation

ESG Evaluation MSCI ESG Rating AAA MSCI ESG Ratings...

Diversity management at Tokyu Corporation

Joined the IkuBoss Corporate Alliance The IkuBoss Corporate Al...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External evaluation (occupational health and safety; health management)

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Sports Promotion Model Company Sports Agen...

Communication with Stakeholders

Tokyu Corporation Stakeholders

Tokyu Corporation Stakeholders In addition to the customers who use ou...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation

Guideline comparison table GRI standard reference table ...

Diversity management at Tokyu Corporation

Changes in LGBT-related regulations and operations Since July 2017, in...

Environmental data collection

We and our consolidated subsidiaries will promote environmental managem...

Tax Transparency

Tax policy Tokyu Corporation (the “Company”) and its consolidated subsid...

Corruption Prevention

Anti-corruption Policy 1. Basic policy Tokyu Corporation (the “Compan...

Social Contribution
The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Social Contribution Awards: 2

Social Contribution Awards: 2 Shopping Trains to Help Shoppers and M...

Risk Management

Response to Individual Risks Climate-related risks The Group is t...

Social Contribution
Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Award

The Tokyu Group is a corporate group that develops businesses that se...

Overview of work-life balance promotion and various systems

Voices of system users Here, we introduce the voices of employees wh...

Safety Initiatives
Safety Policy, Promotion and Crisis Management System

Safety Policy and Promotion System We are committe...

Environmental Report

Environmental Report (Only available in Japanese) 2019 Edition Do...

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Compliance with the status reporting system for delivery of industrial waste management manifest

Compliance with the status reporting system for delivery of industrial wa...

Protection of Personal Information and Information Security

Information security Approaches to the protection of information ass...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
Endorsement of initiatives


The United Nations Global Compact The United Nations Glo...

Protection of Personal Information and Information Security

Protection of personal information Handling of personal information ...

Social Contribution
Various social contribution activities

Bunkamura multipurpose cultural facility Bunkamura Orchard Hall ...

Views on Sustainable Management

Sustainable management policy We have set "safety & security," "ur...