Initiatives for Sustainable Management

Sustainability report TOKYU CORPORATION

What's New

Material sustainability themes (Materiality)

Process diagram for Identifying Using materiality to identify cr...

Social Contribution
Approach to social contribution activities

Various social contribution activities "Since its establishment in 192...

Tokyu Railways's environmental data and environmental accounting

Estimated reduction in CO₂ (comparison between railroads and private passenger cars)

Estimated reduction in CO₂ (comparison between railroads and private pass...


Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
Inclusion in SRI indexes

We believe that our selection for inclusion in the SRI (Socially Respon...

Career Support and Human Resource Development

Basic Approach Tokyu Corporation aims to develop human resources who h...

Social Contribution
The 2nd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Special Awards: 2 《 Environment Section 》 Recycling of weeds alon...

Active participation of senior citizens, people with disabilities, global human resources, etc.

Employment and activities of people with disabilities Activities at ...

Our and our consolidated subsidiaries’ environmental data

We collect environmental data such as the amount of energy and resources ...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
Endorsement of initiatives


The United Nations Global Compact The United Nations Glo...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External Evaluation

ESG Evaluation MSCI ESG Rating AAA MSCI ESG Ratings...

Environmental Education for Children

Children's Environmental Report (Only available in Japanese) From FY...

Basic Policy on Internal Control System

2. Matters concerning the establishment of systems to ensure the appropri...

Social Contribution
Various social contribution activities

Train and Bus Museum Opened in 1982 under the elevated tracks ...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External evaluation and external collaboration (promotion of work style reform)

Membership of the Telework promotion enterprise network The MIC, in co...

Social Contribution
Social Contribution Activities through School Corporations and Foundations

Gotoh Educational Corporation (established in 1955, Tokyo City University...

Social Contribution
The 1st Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

We received 68 applications from 36 group companies (26 from 16 compa...

Environmental Advertising Poster

Environmental Considerations for Futako Tamagawa Rise Environmenta...

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Response to TCFD recommendations

Response to TCFD recommendations The Group is taking steps to st...

(Human Resources Strategies)Diversity initiatives

By promoting the development of an organization that makes the most of th...

Environmental Report

Corporate Social Responsibility Report (Only available in Japanese) ...


Environmental Policy and Vision We explain our tho...

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Dealing with Asbestos

Dealing with Asbestos Tokyu Railways conducted a survey on the use of ...

Environmental Report

Environmental Report 2005 Edition Download PDF version (2.49MB) ...