Initiatives for Sustainable Management

Sustainability report TOKYU CORPORATION

What's New

Social Contribution
The 2nd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

We received 62 applications from 35 group companies (31 from 20 compa...


Active participation of senior citizens, people with disabilities, global human resources, etc.

Employment and activities of global human resources We have been hir...

Social Contribution
The 2nd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Special Awards: 2 《 Environment Section 》 Recycling of weeds alon...

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Construction Recycling Law

Construction Recycling Law In accordance with the Construction Recycli...

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Law (Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons)

Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Law (Act on Rational Use and Proper Manag...

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Energy Conservation Law and Global Warming Countermeasures-Related Ordinances

Energy Conservation Law and Global Warming Countermeasures-Related Ordina...

Safety Initiatives
Safety Policy, Promotion and Crisis Management System

Safety Policy and Promotion System We are committe...

Basic Policy on Internal Control System

(Matters concerning the establishment of systems to ensure the appropriat...

Environmental data collection

We and our consolidated subsidiaries will promote environmental managem...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
GRI standard reference table

General Disclosures ...

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act

Soil Contamination Countermeasures Act In FY 2021, no report on the re...

Social Contribution
The 4th Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Environmental Awards: 3

Environmental Awards: 3 0 to Zero: ZEB initiative in the new buildin...


Compliance of the Tokyu Group

Compliance of the Tokyu Group Compliance management is not merely a me...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External evaluation and external collaboration (promotion of work style reform)

Membership of the Telework promotion enterprise network The MIC, in co...

Tokyu Railways's environmental data and environmental accounting

Estimated reduction in CO₂ (comparison between railroads and private passenger cars)

Estimated reduction in CO₂ (comparison between railroads and private pass...

Health Management & Occupational Health and Safety

Promotion system and implementation measures Tokyu Corporation has est...


Work style

Walfare program The Company serves as the organizer of the "Personnel ...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
Guideline comparison table

GRI standard reference table ISO 26000 reference table ...

Diversity management at Tokyu Corporation

Joined the IkuBoss Corporate Alliance The IkuBoss Corporate Al...

Local Community

Activities of the Council on Measures for People Stranded around Shibuya ...

Safety Initiatives
Safety Policy and Promotion System

Safety Management at the Company and its Consolidated Subsidiaries

Safety Management and Enforcement Systems at the Company and Its Consolid...

Social Contribution
The 3rd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

