Initiatives for Sustainable Management

Sustainability report TOKYU CORPORATION

What's New

Environmental Report

From FY 2020 onward, this information will be included in the n...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External Evaluation

Social Contribution
Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Award

The Tokyu Group is a corporate group that develops businesses that se...

Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, etc.

Compliance with the status reporting system for delivery of industrial waste management manifest

Compliance with the status reporting system for delivery of industrial wa...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
Endorsement of initiatives


The United Nations Global Compact The United Nations Glo...

Environmental Advertising Poster

The Tokyu Group's “WE DO ECO.” environmental advertising series The To...

Occupational Health and Safety, and Health Management

Health Declaration and promotion system In Februar...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
UN global compact reference table

Metrics Principle References ...

Views on Sustainable Management

Across the long term, we and the Tokyu Group believe that it is important...

Social Contribution
The 2nd Tokyu Group Environmental and Social Contribution Awards

Environmental Awards: 4 SHIBUYA SOLASTA, both worker- and Earth-frie...

Career Support and Human Resource Development

Human resources development Overview of the program In addition to ...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
GRI standard reference table

General Disclosures ...

Sustainability Promotion Organization and System

Sustainability promotion activities at the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries

Sustainability promotion activities at the Company and its consolidated s...

Environmental Initiatives

Since our founding, we have been ahead of our competitors in promoting en...

Social Contribution
Various social contribution activities

Tokyu Hospital Tokyu Hospital, located in Ookayama Station To...

Diversity management at Tokyu Corporation

Human resource development and evaluation for promoting diversity managem...


Social Contribution
Various social contribution activities

Mido*Link Action Community development and community building by o...


Compliance of the Tokyu Group

Compliance of the Tokyu Group Compliance management is not merely a me...


Safety Initiatives
Crisis management system

Crisis management system

We have established a company-wide crisis management system based on the ...

Support for balancing work with childcare and caregiving

Support to balance work and childcare Exchange meetings for employee...

Local Community

Urban and community development in cooperation with the local community i...

Guidelines Comparison Table and External Evaluation
External evaluation and external collaboration (promotion of work style reform)

Membership of the Telework promotion enterprise network The MIC, in co...