Water Resources

Recognition of issues and response policy

The Company and its consolidated subsidiaries recognize that water resources is one of the precious resources essential for the existence of living things, that water shortages are becoming more serious around the world, and that even within Japan, there are risks to securing a stable and safe water supply in some regions. We therefore work to conserve water resources by reducing the total amount of water used in accordance with the specific circumstances of each business area, using reclaimed water appropriate to its usage, and conducting appropriate wastewater treatment.

Targets and progress

As part of our long-term environmental goals outlined in our "Environmental Vision 2030," we aim to "Towards realizing a zero waste society, leverage the many customer contact  points characteristic of our business to joint and expand the circle of resource recycling and the circular economy" and to achieve a recycling-oriented society by setting a target of 10% reduction in waste volume (compared with FY2019 levels on a revenue unit basis) by 2030. Water usage and revenue per unit for the past three years are as follows:

  unit The target
for 2030
(Base year)
2021年度 2022年度 2023年度
Water Use 1,000m³ 8,497 6,969 7,061 7,112
Operating revenue Billion Yen 9,965 8,791 9,313 10,378
a revenue unit basis 1,000m³/100 million yen 0.85 0.79 0.76 0.69
Reduction rate against base year 10% reduction -7.1% -10.6% -18.8%

Environmental information data for the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries is disclosed on the following page.

Main Initiatives

To achieve our water usage reduction targets, we have created and published the "Environmental Policy" and "Environmental Vision 2030" and are deepening our awareness of the issues surrounding water conservation and the effective use of water resources. In addition to explaining our targets and specific actions, we are sharing good examples of water usage reduction, such as promoting water conservation and recycled water use, and encouraging thorough company-wide efforts.

Water recycling demonstration experiment -Maipari Miyakojima Island Tropical Fruit Park-

Our company and Miyako Kanko Kaihatsu Co., Ltd. are conducting a demonstration experiment at Maipari Miyakojima Island Tropical Fruit Park in order to achieve the group-wide target of a 10% reduction in Water Resources usage, as set out in the "Environmental Vision 2030 "
Please see below for details.

Installation of water-saving tops and adjustment of water volume screws - Tokyu Store -

Tokyu Store is working to reduce water usage by installing new water-saving equipment in the kitchen. This initiative not only saves water, but also contributes to reducing CO2 emissions. Please see below for details.

Use of well water

The following facilities are working to reduce their water usage by using well water.

Facility names: Nagoya Tokyu Hotel, Kyoto Tokyu Hotel, Izu Imaihama Tokyu Hotel, Tama Plaza Terrace, Tokyu Chuo Rinkan Building

Rainwater Utilization

The following facilities are working to reduce water usage by using rainwater.

Facility names: Tokyu Capitol Tower, Cerulean Tower, Shibuya Stream, Futako Tamagawa Rise, Bunkamura, Shibuya Scramble Square

Use of recycled water (wastewater and reclaimed water)

Shibuya Scramble Square, a large-scale complex that opened in November 2019, is taking steps to conserve Water Resources, leading to a reduction in water usage with the aim of making effective use of Water Resources and reducing the burden on sewerage facilities.
Please see below for details.

Additionally, the following facilities are also using recycled water to reduce water usage.

Facility names: JR Tokyu Meguro Building, Tokyu Capitol Tower, Cerulean Tower, Shibuya Stream, Tokyu Kabukicho Tower, Tokyu Hakata Building, Shibuya Hikarie, Futako Tamagawa Rise, Bunkamura, Shibuya Scramble Square, Miyakojima Tokyu Hotel & Resorts

River basin environmental conservation activities

In 1974, Tokyu established the Tokyu Foundation for Clean Environment to conduct research on the water quality of the Tama River and to provide grant funding to researchers, as it believed it was an important responsibility of the company to clean up the environment in the Tama River basin, which flows through the center of Tokyu's business area. The foundation was later renamed the the Tokyu Foundation for Better Environment, and has since provided grant funding for a wide range of research, not only on water quality, but also on environmental conservation and improvement in the Tama River basin.
In 2019, the the Tokyu Foundation for Better Environment was merged with the Tokyu International Student Scholarship Foundation and the Gotoh Memorial Foundation to form the Tokyu Foundation. We will continue to contribute to solving social issues while protecting the environment in the Tama River basin.

Understanding water risks at business locations

General water risks

In order to identify areas with high water stress levels at our business sites, including our consolidated subsidiaries, we used the WRI Aqueduct tool developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) to quantify the water stress levels at all of our business sites, both in Japan and overseas, and to identify areas with high water stress.
Regarding overall water risks, most business locations do not fall under the medium-high or higher water risk level, and there are no major concerns about water risks for the time being. However, we are continuing to monitor water usage while working to make it more efficient.

Water Risk
Number of bases
(Water used)
ratio 2023年度
Water Intake Displacement
0-1 Low 47 5.5% 407,000 m3 306,000 m3
1-2 Low-Medium 811 94.2% 6,491,000 m3 4,956,000 m3
2-3 Medium-High 1 0.1% 39,000  ㎥ 0
3-4 High 2 0.2% 175,000 m3 0
4-5 Extremely high 0 0.0% 0 0
Total 861 100% 7,112,000 m3 5,262,000 m3

*1 OVERALL RISK: Overall risk including water stress, depletion, seasonal fluctuations, river flooding, drought, untreated wastewater, and sanitation facilities

Locations at high risk of water stress and water withdrawal volume

The sites with high water stress risk (>40%) identified using the WRI Aqueduct tool developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and their water usage are as follows, and there were no sites with significantly high risk (>80%). If the water withdrawal volume in FY2023 is set at 100%, the water withdrawal volume at sites with high water stress risk accounts for 0.5% of the total.

High Risk
Number of bases 2
Water consumption (1,000 m3) 39
Significantly high risk
Number of bases 0
Water consumption (1,000 m3) 0

At our two overseas locations (Yanchep, Australia and Sriracha, Thailand) where the risk of water stress is high, we are working to increase the efficiency of water use and will continue to hold discussions and dialogue with external stakeholders to ensure appropriate water use.

Violation of Water Resources laws

In FY2023, the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries did not have any violations of laws, regulations, or standards regarding the use of Water Resources, water quality, or usage.

Water Resources research and development

Our research and development investments to mitigate water-related risks include:

FY2022: Total 15 million yen